Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pianthakna Ei leh Ei kisitelna

Pianthakna Ei le Ei kisitelna
1. No Habitual Sinning: Mawhna sungah kibual lo: Pasian sungah apiangthak khat in mawhna bawlbawl lo hi. (1 John 3:9), Christians taktak te un, mawhna tawh nungta lo hi, bang hang hiam cih leh Pasian mai-et, mai vil nuam uh  hi. Kicing taak lo mah hi, Zeisu anei khat pen, piangthak hi cih thei hi, a luite beimang ta hii, a thak vive higai khin hi. (2 Cor 5:17). Amawh khak leh mawhmaina ngen aa, Topa in mawhmaina piak citak in, thuman hi. (1 John 1:9)

2. Believing in Christ: Zeisu upna leh saan na
Zeisu pen Pasian kiangpan hong pai hi cih upna (1 John 5:1) Theih mawkmawkna hi lo in, i nuntakna Zeisu tungah ki aap tinten na. Amah bek in hong honkhia thei ahihciang in, Topa deihna zui ning, a thu mang ning, ka gamtatna, kampauna, luheekna khempeuh Topa deihna leh minthana ding bek in zangh ning cih ki-apna ahi hi.

Zeisu a saang takpi, a um takpi, a nei takpi, a thei takpi te Pasian tate suak takpi ahih na thahaatna, vangletna pia hi. (John 1:12) Zeisu nei takpi tek John 15:10 Thukham zuite ahi hi. Zeisu thei takpi te 1 John 2:3-4 Thukham zuite ahi hi. Zeisu um takpi te James 2:17-22 gamtatna tawh a lakte ahi hi. (John 14:6). Keimah in lampi ka hi hi, thuman thutak ka hi hi, nuntakna ka hi hi, kei lo in kuamah kapa kiang tunglo ding hi. 

3.  Practicing Righteousness; Gamtatna ah siangtho thumanna: 
Thuman thutak tawh nuntakna hong kalh leuleu hi. (1 John 2:29) A thuman in agamtate Topa sungah apiangthak mi a hi hi. Zeisu in tapidaw te etehding hi aa honpa zong ahi hi. Zeisu in a nungzui te kiang agen na ah "Kei nongit uh leh ka thukhamte na zui ding uh hi. "  (John 14:15); Kong sawn pepeuh nongman uh aa leh ka lawmte nasuak ding uh hi. John 15:14).

Christians taktak te un, Topa dikna zong aa, Topa maivil ding uh aa, Topa deihlo te pial ding uh hi. (Topa deihlo nate pan kiheemkhia ding uh hi.)

4. Loving Other Christians; ( Pawlpi dang te zong it ding uh hi)-

Sihna pan nuntakna ah gualzawhna ineih lam ithei khinzo hi, banghang hiam cih leh isangam te i it hi. (1 John 3:14). Zeisu bangmah in Pasian tate un a galte zong it hi. Thu-um mite it phadiak hi. Minam kibatlona, Pawlpi kibat lohna, zia le tong kibat lona te a om  hang Pasian inkuanpih te vive mah ahi hi. (1 John 3:11) A ciil in kong gensa mah bangin khat leh khat na ki it un. 

5. Overcoming the World (Leitung ci le sa deihna zuilo) 
Fifth, Pasian sung aa a piangthak te in, leitung deihna zuilo hi. (1 John 5:4), A piangthak taktak te un, leitung ci le sa deihna zuilo uh hi. Leitung ci le sa tawh amaan amaanlo cih standard omlo in kikheel den hi. Leitung ci le sa deihna langdo ngam uh hi, bang hang hiam cih leh Topa pahtawiding lungulhzaw, Topa langdo khakding dah huai sa zaw aa, mihing te i leitung ci le sa deihna langdo ding poimawh salo zaw uh hi.

6. Keeping Oneself Pure
Sixth-  Topa sung aa a piangthak taktak mi, kikeem uh hi. (1 John 5:18), A piangthak taktak mi in mawhna pial bek thamlo in, mawhna lam-ah hong lampial sak theiding  khempeuh pial uh hi. Amah in, galkap hi in, gaalte gamsung ah om tawh kibang in kigingsa in om den hi. Amah in ze-etna hong pai ding pen, khaam theilo hi. Ahizong in, Pasian kamal leh thungetna tawh ze-etna ki-daal zo ding cih thei gige hi. 

The Test, (Hih kisitelna)

Hih, kisitelna nam 6 te pen, pianthakna kisitelna aphamawh diak teng ahi hi. Kisitelna khatsim na nuntakna sung kician velval in namu kei kha thei ding hi. Ahizongiin, Topa in hih pianthakna zia le tong te na sungah khangtosak ding hi. Na piangthak nai hiam? Na pianthak ngei nai kei leh, ahihkeileh na kiciat phat kei leh, tu in ki tel ta ding hi teh. Thu ngen in la, Topa'n na mawhna te maisak in. Zeisu gumpa in saang in. Zeisu in hong um khempeuh, kei hong sawlpa zong a um khempeuh tawntung nuntakna ngah hi ci hi. (John 5:24), Topa asam mi khempeuh ki hon khia ding hi. (Romans 10:13) 


No Habitual Sinning
First: "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin" (1 John 3:9).
The true Christian does not habitually sin because he wants to please his Lord. Although he is far from perfect, he knows that "if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17). If he does sin, he can confess and "the Lord is faithful and just to forgive" (1 John 1:9).
Believing in Christ
Second: "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God" (1 John 5:1).
Someone who is born again believes that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He is the One sent by God the Father to pay the penalty for man's sin by His death on the Cross. His resurrection from the dead on the third day is proof that He is able to forgive us and bring us into fellowship with the Father. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me" (John 14:6).
A born-again Christian does not merely know the facts about Jesus Christ, but he has committed his life to Him as Savior and Lord.
 The Bible says, "For as many as received Him (Jesus Christ), to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name" (John 1:12).
Practicing Righteousness
Third: "Everyone that doeth righteousness is born of Him" (1 John 2:29).
Christ is the Christian's example as well as his Savior. Jesus told His disciples, "If ye love Me, keep My commandments" and "ye are My friends, if ye do whatever I command you" (John 14:15; John 15:14).
The true Christian lives to please his heavenly Father and tries to avoid those things God hates.
Loving Other Christians
Fourth: "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" (1 John 3:14).
Like Jesus, the child of God loves even his enemies; but he has a special love for those who are also believers. They may be different from him in race, personality and denomination, but they are all members of the same family. "This is the message that ye have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another" (1 John 3:11).
Overcoming the World
Fifth, "Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world" (1 John 5:4).
Someone who is born again does not follow the world's ever-changing standard of right and wrong. He does not mind opposing the world's ways, because he seeks God's praise more than man's and fears offending God more than offending man.
Keeping Oneself Pure
Sixth, "He that is begotten of God keepeth himself" (1 John 5:18).
A person who is born again tries not only to avoid sin, but also to avoid anything that may lead to it. He is like a soldier in enemy territory continually on guard. He knows he can't keep temptation from coming, but by knowing God's Word and through prayer he can resist it.
The Test
These are the six essential marks of a born-again Christian. Each of these traits may not be equally obvious in your life. But if you are born again, God is developing these traits in you. Are you born again?
If you have never been born again or you are not sure, you can be sure right now. Pray right now, asking God to forgive your sins, and believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Jesus said, "He that... believeth on Him that sent Me hath everlasting life" (John 5:24). "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).

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